Otroligt otaggad. Sjukt otaggad.
Bitterfittan is back in town!
Bitterfittan just want to say hello to all the fitts out there. She is bitter, oh so bitter today.
She´s going out to smoke now.
Bitterfittan says things like; "jamen alla ska vi dö någon gång, skit samma om det är för rökningen" and is acting suprisingly bitter.
She knows she has to go to bed because tomorrow is an important and early day, but instead she thinks to herself "inte kan väl jag somna nu heller, lika bra att sitta här tills jag stupar"
She feels really sad now, about everything. The truth is that all she want to do is to fuck a british guy so that she could continue talking her terrible english to someone that actually gives a fuck.